Topics such as the Great Resignation, Climate Code Red, Mental Health issue, modernizing Education,
Talent War, Technology Ethics, New Work Transformation or Innovation Acceleration are just a few corner stones
to make us aware about the fact that it's time to change the way we do business today.
To shift the status quo is easier said than done and it's based on a multitude of components.
But what if we would have a 'secret weapon' right at hand to tackle many of our challenges today?
In 2022 we explored a new perspective to look at things:
Regenerative Leadership
And dove deep into the quest what mother have to do with this sustainable leadership approach so needed today.
21 key-notes 10 Masterclasses ∞ Networking
Thought-Leaders from around the globe shared their insights on business transformation through a regenerative leadership approach, and we explored what mothers have to do with this.
With best practices from BBDO, Bachmann Group,
Forbes School, Roche, Publicis Sapient, DHL, PWC and Bayer to start-ups and academia.
Each hour a world-class thought-leader shared live their methods, mindsets and mythologies on the topic of Regenerative Leadership. Paired with conversations, exchange and provocative questions.
Diversity of Thoughts
Additionalle we explored what Parenthood and Regenerative Leadership have in common.
21 leading moms and dads from all continents of the world shared their stories - real & insightful. They come from different cultures and backgrounds and all hierarchical levels. A true firework of diversity!
Parallel we streamed on Hopin, our virtual Salon, 21 pre-recorded interviews with female executives (and dads) from around the globe sharing their journey of how to combine motherhood and career and overcame challenges on the way. The impact these moms have on their environment is amazing.
These interviews are part of a living research study of

Regeneration is a term with diverse meanings.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary:
to be regenerated is to be ‘re-born; brought again into existence; formed anew’; a natural processes
and especially: ‘to restore to a better state’.